Dry Fruits

animal forage

Dry Fruits and their global demand

 Dry fruits are a type of fruit that has had its water content removed through sun drying, dehydration, evaporation, or Freeze-drying. Global demand for dry fruits has been on the rise in recent years due to their nutritional value and versatility.  Dry fruits are a healthy and convenient snack option that is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Global demand for dry fruits has been rising in recent years due to their many health benefits and uses.  The global dry fruits market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years as more people become aware of the benefits of these healthy and versatile snacks. 

Chinese Walnuts

The high quality Chinese walnut industry has seen an increase in demand in recent years. The Chinese walnut industry is now worth $285 million. The main types of Chinese walnuts are the paper W185 walnut, the sansan walnut, and the Xinfeng walnut. The paper W185 walnut is the most popular type of Chinese walnut. It is grown in the southern provinces of China. The sansan walnut is the second most popular type of Chinese walnut. It is grown in the northern provinces of China. The Xinfeng walnut is the third most popular type of Chinese walnut. It is grown in the eastern provinces of China. Although Chinese walnuts have only been introduced to the global market in the past few years, their high quality and low price have made them a popular choice for consumers. 

California Almonds

 California Almonds are in high demand globally because of their exceptional quality. California produces more than 80 percent of the world’s almond supply.  In fact, the U.S. exports nearly two-thirds of its almonds. The increased demand for almonds has led to higher prices for the nut. In the last five years, the price of almonds has more than doubled. The most demanded types of California almonds are Nonpareil almond and the Carmel almond. The Nonpareil almond is the most popular type of almond in the world and is grown in California. The Carmel almond is a smaller, sweeter almond that is grown in California. 


Reliable and efficient shipping and logistics

One of the top benefits of importing Rhode grass hay and Grass alfalfa hay from MSR ANIMAL FOAGE FARMS is the reliable and efficient shipping and logistics.We have a well-established transportation and logistics infrastructure, making it easy to transport goods from the farms to the ports and then to the final destination. This ensures that the products arrive on time and in good condition, reducing the risk of spoilage or damage during transit. Additionally, Pakistan has a competitive shipping industry, which means that the cost of shipping is often lower compared to other countries, resulting in cost savings for the importer.


Vietnam Cashew Nuts

 Vietnamese Cashew Nuts are of the highest quality due to the country’s climate and soil conditions. The global demand for these nuts is high, and Vietnam is one of the leading producers of these nuts. Vietnam exports its cashew nuts to many different countries, and the demand for these nuts continue to grow.  W180, W240, and W320 are all different grades of Vietnamese cashew nuts, based on their size and shape. The numbers refer to the number of cashew nuts per pound, with W180 being the largest and W320 being the smallest. W180 cashews are typically the most expensive and are often used for premium products, while W320 cashews are more affordable and commonly used in snacks and baked goods. 


  Raisins are a type of dried grape, and they come in a variety of colors including black, brown, and red. Raisins are a tasty and healthy snack option. They’re a good source of fiber and antioxidants, and they’re low in calories and fat-free. So if you’re looking for a sweet and delicious treat, grab a handful of raisins.  Green raisins are made from unripened grapes, and they have a slightly tart and tangy taste.  The golden raisins are made from ripened green grapes that are dried in the sun. As the raisins dry, they change color from Green to yellow to golden. 



Iran and the United States are the top exporters of quality pistachios. Iran is known for producing some of the finest pistachios in the world, particularly the varieties known as “Persian pistachios” or “Iranian pistachios.” The United States, specifically California, is also renowned for its high-quality pistachios. Pistachios are in global demand due to their unique taste, nutritional value, and versatility in culinary applications. The Middle East, Europe, North America, and Asia are significant markets for pistachios. However, the demand is not limited to these regions, as pistachios are becoming increasingly popular worldwide.



Grass Alfalfa Hay

Paper W 185 Walnut

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Sansun Walnut

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Xinfeng Walnut

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Walnut Kernel


Grass Alfalfa Hay

NonPareil Almonds

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Butte/Padre Almonds

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Carmel Almonds

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Almonds with Shell

Cashew Nuts

Grass Alfalfa Hay

W180 Cashew Nut

Grass Alfalfa Hay

W240 Cashew Nut

Grass Alfalfa Hay

W320 Cashew Nut


Grass Alfalfa Hay

Golden Raisins

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Green Raisins

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Black Raisins

Dried Fruits

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Dried Apricots

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Dried Peaches

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Dried Mulberries

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Dried Pears


Grass Alfalfa Hay

Pistachious with Shell

Grass Alfalfa Hay

Pistachious without Shell

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